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spy recorder app using Rfo-basic
Nowdays everyone think about security,
survelliance or spying to someone.
its good idea but today i will show you how can you create your own spy recorder app using basic programming .
Basic is simple programming language in which you can develope any app fast without doing any hard work.
download rfo basic from play store.
Open it and type the program given below.
And run the following program- 200,30,70,120,0
gr.orientation 0
gr.screen w,h
time y$,mn$,d$,h$,m$,s$
folder$="spy recorder"
file.exists s,path$+folder$
if s=0
file.mkdir path$+folder$
gr.color 200,200,200,200,1
gr.bitmap.load b,"spy/space.jpg"
gr.bitmap.scale bm,b,w,h
gr.bitmap.draw space,bm,0,0
gr.bitmap.load sa,"spy/sat.png"
gr.bitmap.scale nsa,sa,qx,qy
gr.bitmap.draw nasa,nsa,0,qy+2*unit
gr.color 200,50,150,200,0
gr.set.stroke unit/5
gr.text.size 2*unit
gr.text.align 2
gr.text.draw genius,cx,cy-unit,"GENIUS LABORATORY"
inkey$ s$
if s$="key 24"
audio.record.start path$+folder$+"/"+file$+".mp3"
for x=1 to w
gr.modify nasa,"x",2*x
if x>600 then x=0
if s$="key 25"
gr.touch2 t,x,y
if t
popup" this app is developed by GENIUS LABORATORY"
gr.touch tx,x,y
if tx
tone 100,200
goto loop
until 0
!  adb shell rm /data/system/gesture.key

You will see something like this
Now press volume up button to start recording audio
you will notice satellite start moving it show that audio is recording.when you have to stop recording just press volume down button and audio file will saved in 
Spy recorder folder which will create in your phone while recording.

If you have any problem please inform me.


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